Students Piano Recital 2018
Short Poem: Visiting Feelings
Grateful to share this beautiful rhyme “Visiting Feelings" with students and parents in the Recital.
Lauren Rubenstein, the author, is a licensed clinical psychologist. She also teaches yoga and mindfulness to children and adolescents.
“Visiting Feelings” invites children to explore and observe the present moment by using their senses. It encourages children to recognize and befriend their feelings and emotions in a positive manner. By deepen the understanding of their inner world (inner voices), it cultivates and enhances their emotional intelligence.
Understand the range of feelings and emotions will definitely strengthen our musical interpretation skills. If we only focus on technique, theory, structure, historical background of the music but without any feelings and emotions towards it, we are not truly and fully experience the spirit, beauty, and the sensation of music.

Musical Picture
It's awesome to have all the audience, parents and students engaged in this activity. We are thrilled by your enthusiasm, it's overwhelming! :D
Through interactive activities: "Guess the Song Name" and "Matching Music with Pictures", students /audience see how the composer creates an amusing musical picture of penguins waddling about and sliding down snow banks. She uses sounds, just as artists use colors, to paint a picture of a scene or a story. Composers can choose among many different types of sounds - or notes, rhythm, and dynamic - to create many different colors. Different ways of playing these notes - such as legato or staccato - add more variety to a composers' palette.

Date: September 9, 2018
Time: 11:30am
Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum
1. Hannah Cheng - Scherzo, Op. 19 No. 2 (N.W.Gade)
2. Lam Wing and Lam Wai - Teasing Mr. Hanon (D.Alexander)
3. Athan Iu - Classical Dance (A.Reinagle)
4. Shannon Tan - Giga, Lesson in C, Op.12 No.2 (S.Arnold)
5. Oscar Wong - Musette in D major, BWV Anh.126 (Anon)
6. Anson Chan - Adagio cantabile, Sonata in C minor, Op.13 ‘Pathetique’ (L.V.Beethoven)
7. Edwin Lee - Turkish Bazaar (M.Mrozinski)
8. Anga Ng - On the Lake, Op.77 No.12 (H.Hofmann)
9. Lam Wai - Clowns, Op.39, No.20 (D.B.Kabalevsky)
10. Shannon Tan - Bouncing Billy (J.Last)
11. Wallace Wong - Sonata in A minor, K.149, L.93 (D.Scarlatti)
Short Poem
12. Visiting Feelings by Lauren Rubenstein
Narrated by: Noriaki Akiyama, Kate Chan
Music used in Visiting Feelings (in order of appearance)
1. Noriaki Akiyama - Liebestraum (F.Liszt arr. by J.Bastien)
2. Sophie Tsang - That’s a Fourth (W.A.Palmer)
3. Charisse Cheng - What Will You Do? (W.A.Palmer)
4. Charisse Cheng - Love Somebody (W.A.Palmer)
5. Joshua Law and Janis Law - Yankee Doodle
6. Kate Chan - Bagpipe Dance (F.L.Couppey)
7. Chloe Luk - Willie & Tillie (W.A.Palmer)
8. Noriaki Akiyama - Wading In The Water (C.Gurlitt)
13. Athan Iu - My Pet Goldfish (C.Czerny)
14. Janis Law - Allegro, Sonatina in C, Op.36 No.1 (M.Clementi)
15. Oscar Wong - Vivace, Sonatina in C, Op.36 No.1 (M.Clementi)
16. Lam Wing - Invention in A minor, BWV 784 (J.S.Bach)
17. Edwin Lee - Penguins (L.Niamath) with games
18. Wallace Wong - Prélude, Suite bergamasque (C.Debussy)
19. Hockey Yeung - Prelude, Op.28 No.7 (F.Chopin)
20. Ashley Lam - Nocturne in C sharp minor, Op.posth , KK IVa, No.16 (F.Chopin)
21. Hannah Cheng - Rondo, Sonata in C, K.545 (W.A.Mozart)
22. Anson Chan - Rondo, Sonata in C minor, Op.13 ‘Pathetique’ (L.V.Beethoven)